HIST4805 Artificial Intelligence in/and History

robot archivist

A DALL-E generated picture of a robot archivist. Already, such images have gone from being wondrous to something naff.

A full year seminar at Carleton U, 2024-25

Open to History students, Digital Humanities Minors, and others with permission.

We will explore the history of artificial intelligence, and try to figure out what current AI techs can do, ethically, in terms of historical research.

The first term will be seminar-driven explorations of key moments, literature, and technologies.

The second term will involve you designing, implementing, and evaluating an application of ai technologies to historical or pedagogical ends.

As a class, we will also produce an open-source Handbook to History and AI.

Contact Professor Shawn Graham for more information at shawn dot graham at carleton dot ca.